May 23, 2022 - Half Staff Alert - Alaska

Posted by Half-Staff Alerts Staff on May 20, 2022

May 23, 2022 - Half Staff Alert - Alaska

Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy and First Lady Rose Dunleavy mourn the passing of former Alaska Senator Arliss Sturgulewski, who passed away this morning.

“My family sends our condolences to the family of former Senator Sturgulewski,” said Governor Dunleavy. “Arliss lived a long life and served this state and its largest city at important historical junctures. Her commitment to building a civic-minded Alaska will be remembered.”

Before starting her political career, Senator Sturgulewski received her Bachelor of the Arts in Economics and Business from the University of Washington. She was elected to the Anchorage Charter Commission and the Anchorage Assembly, and she represented Anchorage in the Alaska State Senate from 1979 to 1993.

Senator Sturgulewski was recognized for her efforts in Alaska, including receiving the Anchorage YWCA Woman of Achievement award, the ATHENA Award, and Congregation Beth Sholom’s Shining Lights Award.

Governor Dunleavy has ordered that U.S. flags and Alaska state flags fly at half-staff on May 23, 2022 from sunrise till sunset in honor of former Senator Arliss Sturgulewski.