August 22, 2021 - Half Staff Alert - Michigan

Posted by Half-Staff Alerts Staff on Aug 22, 2021

August 22, 2021 - Half Staff Alert - Michigan

Governor Whitmer has ordered U.S. and Michigan flags throughout the state of Michigan to be lowered to half-staff on Sunday, August 22, 2021 to honor the life and service of Kalamazoo County Sgt. Ryan Proxmire. The flag honors will coincide with Proxmire’s funeral and procession.

The State of Michigan recognizes the duty, honor and selfless service of Kalamazoo County Sgt. Ryan Proxmire by lowering flags to half-staff. Michigan residents, businesses, schools, local governments and other organizations also are encouraged to display the flag at half-staff.

To lower flags to half-staff, flags should be hoisted first to the peak for an instant and then lowered to the half-staff position. The process is reversed before the flag is lowered for the day.

Flags should be returned to full-staff on Monday, August 23, 2021.