July 19, 2021 - Half-Staff Alert - Minnesota

Posted by Half-Staff Alerts Staff on Jul 19, 2021

July 19, 2021 - Half-Staff Alert - Minnesota

Governor Tim Walz has directed all flags at state and federal buildings in Minnesota to be flown at half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Monday, July 19, 2021 to remember, mourn, and honor lives lost due to COVID-19.

“As our state starts to return to normal, we cannot forget about the 7,627 Minnesotans who died from COVID-19. We lower our flags to remember, honor, and mourn those we have lost,” said Governor Walz. “We also recognize the essential workers on the frontlines who have worked tirelessly and fearlessly to protect our communities and neighbors, saving countless lives. Through partnerships, determination, and the hard work of many, Minnesota has vaccinated over 70 percent of adults. Minnesotans got through this pandemic the way we get through all hardships in life—together.”

“Every person lost was somebody’s somebody. The sun is rising on the pandemic, but we must remain committed to honoring and supporting our neighbors and community members who have suffered these unthinkable losses,” said Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan. “One way we do that is by getting vaccinated and helping to get our friends and family vaccinated. Our state is on the offense in this next stage of the pandemic. In the months ahead, it is our job to continue reaching out to communities across the state so that all Minnesotans choose to get their shot. Our work continues, Minnesota.”

Individuals, businesses, and other organizations are also encouraged to join in lowering their flags to honor Minnesotans who have lost their lives to COVID-19 and their families.

July 19, 2021, will be the last routine monthly flags at half-staff for COVID-19.