November 13-20, 2023 - Half-Staff Alert - Minnesota

Posted by Half-Staff Alerts Staff on Nov 14, 2023

November 13-20, 2023 - Half-Staff Alert - Minnesota

Governor Tim Walz has ordered all United States and Minnesota flags to fly at half-staff at all state buildings in the State of Minnesota effective immediately until sunset on Monday, November 20, in honor and remembrance of Sergeant Cade Michael Wolfe. Sgt. Wolfe, a Minnesotan from Mankato, and four other American service members were killed in an aircraft crash during a training exercise over the Mediterranean Sea.

“Minnesota is deeply saddened by the loss of Sgt. Cade Michael Wolfe, a Minnesotan who dedicated himself to selflessly serving our nation and keeping our country safe,” said Governor Walz. “With deep gratitude, Minnesota recognizes Sgt. Cade Michael Wolfe for his dedicated service to, and sacrifice for, his state and country. His family, loved ones, and community are in our prayers.”

Individuals, businesses, and other organizations are also encouraged to join in lowering their flags.

The Governor’s Office will provide additional flag guidance pending more information on funeral and interment arrangements.