June 6, 2020 - Half-Staff Alert - North Carolina

Posted by Half Staff Alerts Staff on Jun 06, 2020

June 6, 2020 - Half-Staff Alert - North Carolina

Governor Roy Cooper today ordered all North Carolina flags at state facilities to be lowered to half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Saturday, June 6, 2020 in honor of Mr. George Floyd, a native North Carolinian killed while in police custody in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Originally from Fayetteville, North Carolina, Mr. Floyd's murder has sparked unyielding protests across the globe in a unified call for racial equity and justice.

A memorial service for George Floyd will be held on Saturday in Raeford, North Carolina at the Cape Fear Conference B Headquarters located on 10225 Fayetteville Road. The memorial service will include a public viewing from 11 am - 1 pm, followed by a private family service.

Statement from Governor Roy Cooper:

"The unjust killing of George Floyd combined with many other recent and distant events broke open painful wounds. Racism. Excessive use of police force. Health disparities. Poverty. White supremacy. These are wrong. They are ugly, but they are present. We must deal with them. We will deal with them. George Floyd’s sister, Bridgette, lives in Hoke County, North Carolina. While I cannot bring her brother back, I can work for justice in his name. I assured her that’s what we would do."

As a show of respect, individuals, businesses, schools, municipalities, counties and other government subdivisions are encouraged to fly the flag at half-staff for the duration of time indicated.