May 1-4, 2020 - Half-Staff Alert - North Carolina

Posted by Half Staff Alerts Staff on May 01, 2020

May 1-4, 2020 - Half-Staff Alert - North Carolina

Governor Roy Cooper today ordered all United States and North Carolina flags at state facilities to be lowered to half-staff beginning Friday, May 1, 2020 until sunset on Monday, May 4, 2020 in honor of former NC State Senator and Senate Majority Leader Tony Rand, who passed away on Friday. A native of Garner, North Carolina, Rand served more than 20 years in the NC Senate. As Senator he represented North Carolina's 19th District, and served as Chairman of the Rules Committee as well as a right-hand man for Senate President Pro Tem Marc Basnight.

After serving many years within North Carolina's General Assembly, Rand dedicated his time as Chairman of the Post-Release Supervision and Parole Commission and later as Chairman of the NC Lottery Commission.

Statement from Governor Roy Cooper:

"My good friend, former State Senator Tony Rand was the muscle who moved good ideas into great laws. He fought tirelessly for public schools and the UNC system. Behind his brilliant wit and encyclopedic knowledge of North Carolina was a man who deeply loved his family, his state and his Tar Heels. Kristin and I send our love and deepest sympathy to his family and friends, especially his wife Karen and his sons Ripley and Craven."

As a show of respect, individuals, businesses, schools, municipalities, counties and other government subdivisions are encouraged to fly the flag at half-staff for the duration of time indicated.